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Welcome to my project! Over the past year, I have been researching the difference between a traditional impressionistic painting and its modern version. And though I have been painting since I was a child, I have always painted more realistic depictions of images rather than impressionism, so it was almost as if I was learning how to paint again. I was no longer using my prior knowledge of painting but rather relearning using new techniques like the way the brush is placed on the canvas or even the types of brushes used.


My goal was to find the main differences between traditional and modern impressionism and to be able to recreate them. This was one of my most challenging projects because everything that I had learned prior to this was inapplicable, and I had to acquire knowledge through books, articles, paintings, and local artists.


The hardest part of this project, was to pick a scene to paint. The time period between the developments of the two styles were so large that even the subjects were completely different. But as I talked with local artists, I was able to narrow down the subject to one setting that both styles had in common. And even though I went through some major setbacks during the course of the project, I was able to produce one outcome in both styles and was also able to understand the different techniques used within each style.



In the final year of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) which runs for a duration of 5 years, from sixth to tenth grade, students must complete the Personal Project. Even though the Personal Project is an essential requirement for graduating IB MYP, it gives students an opportunity to explore themselves and learn more about an interest of theirs.


A Short Insight Into My Project
What is Personal Project
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