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JANUARY 1, 2017


Finally, I have completed my project! After doing all of that work, I feel very accomplished and think this is one of the best learning experiences I’ve ever had about myself.


I have always been an artist and doing this project, I’ve been able to identify and align more with my likes and dislikes. I learned how to give mood and tone to a painting consciously. I’ve learned different brush strokes that give different effects. And I will continue using this knowledge to further myself in different art forms. Over the past year, I’ve learned how to take a project and split it up into smaller sections so that it is easier to accomplish. I now use this method throughout other school projects and keep up my daily planner as well as color coat it so pertinent information stands out. Though I had tasks that were larger and took a week to complete, everytime I would sit down, I could see those tasks were slowly diminishing.


I have learned so much from this experience about myself and about painting as well. I used this style in the same way I use other forms of art: to communicate my feelings and ideas into one piece. Painting is one of those art forms where seeing it in person brings more emotions than a picture. Though I had to have a set structure for this project, I did see myself come out a bit in the paintings.


When I compared my final product to my criteria, I think that what I brought to the table was more than I thought possible. My paintings were a true representation of both myself and the styles themselves. Though I strayed from the structure slightly, I found that I was blending these techniques into my own work. My goal wasn’t to become a master at this art form but to rather learn about it and execute two pieces that show the changes between them. Even now looking back on my first painting, I see how I’ve grown in my style and techniques as well. The criteria I wrote for the project I think encompasses the whole idea and goal of my project.


My growth as an IB learner was exponential in that, I now exhibit more traits than I did before. I am now a better risk-taker, a better inquirer and a much more reflective person. My topic forced me to take a risk in an area I had never explored before and I see myself taking more risks academically with the way I approach projects. I have always thought about art as a way to communicate with others but I see this as taking risks now because each meaning behind different parts of an artwork is integral to unlocking the true meaning behind each piece. I think being  a risk taker allows me to express myself more than I did before and aligns perfectly with my global context, personal and cultural expression. I’m a much better inquirer now too. Every time I wanted to convey something through my art, I would have to go back and research and find the answer as to the “proper” way to convey it in the painting. I always found myself curious to learn more about the techniques. Not only this but I see this trait being exhibited even after the project has been completed. I also feel that I’ve become a much more reflective person. Every time I would sit down and work on the project, I would reflect on what I had accomplished and what I needed to do in order to complete the rest. This allowed me to stay on task and complete my project in line with my original timeline from many months ago. These traits add to my collection of learner profiles and will continue to expand through both schoolwork and my artwork.


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