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Today, I researched my topic of impressionistic art so I can understand what impressionistic art really was in different cultures and time periods. Through my research I have found one main difference for me to further research on: the difference and changes that have occurred between the 19th century and modern day impressionism. Several events have transpired since the 19th century that have directly or indirectly influenced impressionism art form. I plan to accomplish researching on all of 19th century art and techniques this week so that next week I can begin understanding the changes that have occurred in the two centuries. Following that, I plan to look into modern techniques and ideas used in the impressionism art form. Within each research period I plan to not only look into techniques and changes of impressionism but also investigate into the impact and influence historical and cultural events might have had on the art in those time periods. One aspect that I uncovered during my research did leave me surprised – the importance of impressionism over the two centuries.  When impressionism art form was first introduced into the society, people ridiculed it but now it is one of the most respected art forms. This does highlight the influence cultural changes throughout the world has on art forms.



AUGUST 1, 2016

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