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AUGUST 14, 2016


Today I plan to spend time in the library finding some more books about techniques.



Bolton, Linda. Impressionism (Art Revolutions). American ed. Chicago: Peter Bedrick, 2000. Print.

The origin of this source is Linda Bolton. There is no indication as to who she is or what she does so I am unable to assess the validity of the source. The purpose of the source is to identify the art revolution that occurred – the impressionistic movement and also showcase the major artists and their paintings of that era. This source is valuable because it not only provides the reader with dedicated pages for each artist making it easier for them to transition between different artists but also provides a list of sources and information towards the end of the book giving the reader extra information. This source however does have its limitations. It lacks author information and does not give me the source of where the information in the book has come from nor who she is; this makes it difficult for me to assess the validity of the source. This source was also authored solely by one person.  This implies that the author’s view and perspective come through more strongly in this book, specific pieces of information are both censored or shown more prominently based on the author’s view and other’s opinions are left out.


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