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AUGUST 23, 2016


Today I plan to paint my first canvas piece. I have been focusing on the research component so far and I don't want to get behind on the actual painting aspect of my personal project. I will also be reading up the books on Impressionism that I found online and that have arrived today from Amazon.



Welton, Jude. Impressionism. London: Dorling Kindersley in Association with the Art Institute of Chicago, 1993. Print.

The origin of this source is Jude Welton. The purpose of the book is to educate and inform the reader about impressionism. This book is very basic but contains information that I have not found in other sources I have researched. One of the values this source provides is that each piece of artwork has its own paragraph detailing its history and background. Though the book doesn't provide any analysis of the artwork, the invaluable historical information is there. Another value this source provides is the numerous amount of images of art work contained in it, like the color wheel, etc. This source however does have its limitations.  It lacks author information, the author never states who she is or who she is in collaboration with. While the Art Institute's names are listed, I know nothing about the author or who she is. It also does not contain all information as the author could have chosen to omit specific paintings or information pertinent to the time period based on her personal view.


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