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AUGUST 9, 2016


Today, I plan on researching only book sources on impressionistic techniques of the 19th century. I mainly will be relying on internet and art sources as my book sources have been limited, so today I will be focusing in finding some book sources. I plan to also get a better understanding of what transpired between the two centuries I am researching so that I can fully comprehend my topic and the efforts I will need to put in to accomplish the goals of my personal project.



House, John. Impressionism:Paint and Politics. 1st ed. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1945. Print.

The origin of this source is John House whose works as an author were political and art based. The purpose of this book is to educate the reader about the correlation between painting and politics in the 19th century. This source is a great value to the reader as House not only has provided his unique perspectives and approaches by creating a bridge between both paintings and politics but also has provided information on the specific time period he belonged to. However, the book does have its limitations.  The book does not provide any information about the author and his background which leaves the reader with doubts and questions on what knowledge the author has. Secondly, since the book is tied in with politics, it is possible the author had some vested interest in politics and hence has provided his own view on politics of that era, given his own perspective and reasoning on paintings which could lead to a different portrayal of events or analytical ideas in the book.


This source proved very valuable to me.  It gave me the insight into how paintings can reflect political views of the artist, they can either align with the political views or go against them. It also gave me information of changes that occurred between the two centuries I am researching on and provided me with a good understanding and foundation of what transpired during that period.


Callen, Anthea. The Art of Impressionism: Painting Technique & the Making of Modernity. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2000. Print.

The origin of this source is Anthea Callen, Professor Emeritus of the Australian National University, Canberra, and Professor Emeritus of Visual Culture, University of Nottingham, UK. Anthea is an author, a lecturer, an art consultant and a painter who is invested in art history, visual culture and gender politics of visual representation spanning from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. Her book first addresses the techniques of the traditional form of impressionism art and then moves on to describe the changes that occurred in the impressionism art form leading into the twentieth century. This source provides great value to the researcher and reader as it offers sources for every image or quote that has been used thereby giving the reader an endorsement that this information is also present somewhere else, has been corroborated and is authentic. Another value this source provides to the reader is the author herself. Anthea is a professor in two world renowned universities, an invested author as well as an enthusiast of arts between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. One limitation of this source in my opinion is that the author, Anthea, is invested in gender politics which produces the possibility that she could be biased when discussing a figure of the past, creating a prejudiced view in the eyes of the reader. Another limitation could be that the content provided in her book may rely on fictional and exaggerated accounts versus depending on factual evidence.


This source was extremely helpful as it provided me with information related to changes that occurred between the two time periods - something that I had been looking for and had not been able to find in all the resources I have researched so far.



Today I started to paint the blue onto my canvas as the background. All the information I have researched and gathered so far has provided me a comprehensive view of impressionism art form its different techniques and I can see this being reflected in my painting.



Today, I want to reflect on how much I've accomplished in the project so far. From a research standpoint, I am about halfway done with the project and should be done in the next week and a half. This will then allow me to invest all of my time in the actual art of the project, the two paintings. As of right now, I think I am on track to complete what I had set out to do.


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