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AUGUST 3, 2016


Today, I wanted to create a detailed timeline of when I would finish different tasks of my project as I am slightly behind schedule already and want to get back on track. By August 6th I want to complete researching the 19th century European art which includes styles, techniques and artists. If I can narrow down a few styles to a few artists then I can aim at imitating their techniques into my own work. By August 9th, I want to review all the different ideas I have had and narrow it down to one. Once I choose my subject, I will then draw this out on a paper with all the intricate details. By August 13, I want to research the changes that have taken place between the 19th century and today and understand if there was any historical significance on the painting styles, especially on the impressionism art form. I had originally decided to skip this aspect as I did not think it would be relevant to my project as much.  But after speaking to a few artists and my art teacher, to completely understand the project, I will take the time to research it and comprehend the historical impact if any to impressionism art form.












Mathews, Mimi. "Edwin Henry Landseer: 19th-Century Britain’s Foremost Animal Painter." Mimi Matthews., 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 03 Aug. 2016. <>.

The origin of this source is which is a Romance, Literature, and History blog written by Mimi Matthews, an attorney with a Bachelors in English literature. The purpose of this source is to cite articles and information on Romance, Literature, and History from the 19th century. One of the values this source provides is the multitude of articles on specific topics focusing on the 19th century in Europe. This makes the source valuable as no documents, articles or paintings have originated elsewhere and the content is very focused and directed on the 19th century period providing the reader a complete holistic understanding of the subject.  Another value of this source is the ease of use it provides to the reader.  The site has categorized and organized the different topics; each main topic has subtopics and articles, each page has multiple sources and images listed. One limitation of this source I see is the lack of crediting authors or artists of images and quotes used within the site which provides a degree of uncertainty of the information and images produced to the reader. I also observed that it is a commercial website with multiple advertisements. This limitation of the source leaves the reader pondering if the site content was done for monetary reasons and if the content is genuine.


This website proved extremely helpful to me as it gave me the ability to narrow down my choices of topics. From this article I learnt that not many animals were portrayed in paintings in the 19th century in Europe, and if they were, they were portrayed in art work depicting war scenes.  So we would find animals such as horses or cows but not a lion as an example.  This helped me narrow down my choices of topics.



I began narrowing down on my list of topics and ideas. Through my research I have learnt that during the time traditional impressionism art was present, animals were never taken as art subjects but rather the daily lives of humans in the local areas were the chosen subjects by artists.  This led me to drop the topics on animals from my list. I also removed the landscape idea because for an impressionistic painting, the composition is not appropriate and would not have worked well for the both genres. Out of the original five ideas, the painting of the study and Venice are the only ones remaining for me to choose from.


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