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OCTOBER 1, 2016


Lately, golf practice and golf games have been keeping me extremely busy and I haven't been able to put in many hours into my Personal Project.  I have updated my plan so that I complete as much of it in the next few days to make up for the lack of progress I have had. I not only plan to work on the actual project but also review and reflect on what some of the artists have told me. Lastly, I also plan to reach out to a few more artists to make sure I have everything I need before I start to build my evaluating criteria.



Today, I sent a few emails to artists and called up a few local artists and art schools to understand from them what defined impressionism art and how they would evaluate a piece. I also received feedback from my art teacher on my evaluation criteria and understood what I need to change in order to fully encompass the era She recommended that in my art pieces I need to have less of a fine line between what is the background and what is the foreground, so that up close, the painting shouldn't make sense until one steps away and looks at them from afar. This feedback was invaluable as it helped me paint my two pieces accordingly. Also the responses I received from many of the artists I have spoken to have corroborated the information I found online and in books about impressionism.


I made more progress on my art pieces as well. I began outlining the candlesticks with yellow oxide, a gold color similar to the bronze assets and plating on many of the candlesticks I'm focusing on. To get a better idea of candlesticks, I researched a few Dutch still life paintings as they have a very similar composition to what I am doing.  This helped me to place things in the right order and where they belong on the canvas so they don’t seem broken apart and discombobulated.



I thought this was a good point in my personal project to reflect. I have accomplished quite a bit today and am on track to finish later this month. The responses and feedback I've been receiving from artists have also been promising.


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